Terrible Monkeys B - Atrofované ruce B    10 - 9

Terrible Monkeys B
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
73Lukáš Andrle011
91Lukáš Adam000
77Vojtěch Mašín000
73Tom Riley000
37Jiří Sedlář000
89Samuel Šiman000
0Šárka Sotonová000
Atrofované ruce B
96Lukáš Kotrla235
2Jakub Štverák505
0Vít Vokroj134
0Antonín Horvát033
0Radek Čermák000
20Zdeněk Fikrle000
52Samuel Kokoška000
5Vojtěch Kovářík000
0Štěpán Laně000
0Kryštof Petříček000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0Anonymous Point Lukáš Andrle 1.131.13
1 - 1Vít Vokroj Lukáš Kotrla 2.100.57
1 - 2Lukáš Kotrla Vít Vokroj 5.353.25
2 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 7.171.42
3 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 8.160.59
4 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 9.241.08
4 - 3Jakub Štverák Lukáš Kotrla 12.303.06
4 - 4Jakub Štverák Lukáš Kotrla 13.531.23
4 - 5Jakub Štverák Antonín Horvát 17.003.07
4 - 6Lukáš Kotrla Antonín Horvát 19.352.35
5 - 6Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 24.254.50
6 - 6Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 26.031.38
6 - 7Jakub Štverák Vít Vokroj 27.061.03
7 - 7Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 28.111.05
8 - 7Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 29.321.21
9 - 7Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 31.091.37
9 - 8Jakub Štverák Vít Vokroj 33.362.27
9 - 9Anonymous Point Antonín Horvát 36.152.39
10 - 9Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 38.041.49

Game statistics

Terrible Monkeys BAtrofované ruce B
Goals: 10 9
Time on offence: 23.48 min (62.5 %) 14.16 min (37.5 %)
Time on defence: 14.16 min (37.5 %) 23.48 min (62.5 %)
Time on offence/goal: 2.22 min 1.35 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.35 min 2.22 min
Goals from starting on offence: 5/10 (50.0 %) 4/9 (44.4 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 5/9 (55.6 %) 5/10 (50.0 %)
Breaks: 5 5
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points:1111

Spirit Points

Terrible Monkeys BAtrofované ruce B
Rules Knowledge and Use:22
Fouls and Body Contact:21
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:23
Spirit Comment:--

Game history
