Sunset Frisbee - SK Sporting - Kachny Příbram    10 - 11

Sunset Frisbee
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
2Ondřej Brém246
72Petr Lessner415
1Jan Pokorný033
69Jiří Borský011
8Libor Wagner011
87Jaroslav Hančl101
0Ondřej Smrž000
SK Sporting - Kachny Příbram
0Kryštof Barášek000
0Jakub Čambala000
0Jiří Čech000
0Ondřej Hurta000
0Ondřej Kupeček000
0Tobiáš Luft000
0Lukáš Osvald000
0Vojtěch Švenda000
0Martin Vlasatý000
0Vítek Vocílka000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 0.540.54
1 - 1Petr Lessner Ondřej Brém 2.291.35
1 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 3.461.17
2 - 2Ondřej Brém Jan Pokorný 4.531.07
3 - 2Anonymous Point Ondřej Brém 6.521.59
3 - 3Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 7.170.25
4 - 3Petr Lessner Ondřej Brém 8.381.21
4 - 4Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 11.272.49
5 - 4Petr Lessner Ondřej Brém 12.491.22
5 - 5Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 13.440.55
5 - 6Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 15.331.49
6 - 6Anonymous Point Petr Lessner 16.591.26
6 - 7Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 17.460.47
7 - 7Petr Lessner Jan Pokorný 19.231.37
8 - 7Ondřej Brém Jan Pokorný 22.323.09
8 - 8Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 24.151.43
9 - 8Anonymous Point Libor Wagner 25.471.32
9 - 9Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 30.174.30
10 - 9Jaroslav Hančl Jiří Borský 31.451.28
10 - 10Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 33.161.31
10 - 11Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 35.262.10

Game statistics

Sunset FrisbeeSK Sporting - Kachny Příbram
Goals: 10 11
Time on offence: 15.27 min (43.6 %) 19.59 min (56.4 %)
Time on defence: 19.59 min (56.4 %) 15.27 min (43.6 %)
Time on offence/goal: 1.32 min 1.49 min
Time on defence/goal: 1.49 min 1.32 min
Goals from starting on offence: 8/10 (80.0 %) 9/11 (81.8 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/11 (18.2 %) 2/10 (20.0 %)
Breaks: 2 2
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points:811

Spirit Points

Sunset FrisbeeSK Sporting - Kachny Příbram
Rules Knowledge and Use:22
Fouls and Body Contact:12
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:12
Spirit Comment:--

Game history
